Jewelry Packaging Design and Fashion
Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau (Art Nouvcau) is an impact was considerable movement of the early 19th century decorative arts in Europe and produce 2D century. From the construction, clothing, graphic design, sculpture and painting until all affected. This is a form of movement once the design has a considerable influence on the history. Under the influence of 19th-century decorative packaging design Mi Baptist swept Europe tedious pretense of Victorian and other frills style, seeks to draw nourishment from nature and Oriental art. Grain plants, flowers pattern, insect pattern is the main form of graphic design during this period, in addition to Japan's Edo period from the decor and the impact of art painted surface dust.
Art Nouveau respected genre to emphasize the sense of visual effects for the feature. Which is popular in cosmetic packaging design Shen wine in brightly-colored decor: the county has a strong temptation; brand design reflects the distinctive style of the times and deeply marked by the stigma of the Art Nouveau movement.
New Art "movement whose style and delicate, decorative, and is often referred to as" ladies style. "Plain and simple English, Arts and Crafts" movement style, emphasizing the relatively masculine brother holding style in stark contrast.