the Definition and Development Christmas
Most of the Catholic church on Christmas Eve will be the 24th, that is held in the early morning of December 25 Midnight Mass, and some Christian Church will hold caroling, and then in December 25 to celebrate Christmas; another large Christian branch - Orthodox Christmas celebration at the annual January 7.
Christmas is also the Western world as well as public holidays in many other areas, for example: in Asia, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia and Singapore. The Bible does not actually record the date of the birth of Jesus, Christmas is officially sanctioned for posterity.
This Christmas is a religious holiday. Nineteenth century, the popular Christmas cards Santa Claus appeared, so Christmas was beginning to pop up. Christmas celebrations in the Nordic popular custom, combined with the Northern Hemisphere winter, Christmas decorations appeared.
The mid-nineteenth century to the early development of the whole of Europe, the Americas began had played Christmas. And derived from the corresponding Christmas culture.
Christmas spread to Asia in the mid-nineteenth century, Japan, Korea, China and so affected by the Christmas culture.
After the reforms, Christmas in China spread to particularly prominent early 2000s, Christmas organically combines Chinese local customs, development matures. Eat apples with Christmas hats, send Christmas cards, Christmas party, became part of Chinese life Christmas shopping.