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The Seven Meanings of Jewelry Displays

The Seven Meanings of Jewelry Displays

Tina Yadao 2014-09-05 18:46:11
Equipment is defined as a means of Visual expression. Display props,combined with fashionable culture and status, applying various shows technical characteristics of the goods. Display to show the target,demonstrating changes according to the method, and the method of shopping. 

1.show merchandise

Jewelry show performance in external beauty is also more prominent, its display effect is also very easily.

2.promoting brand image

Household furnishings is one of the last opportunities to promote Terminal sales, visit marked: customers make their purchasing choice 87% depend on the scientific nature of the commodity devices and stands out.Good equipment can not only facilitate, encourage customers to purchase new items and can boost corporate products and brand image.

3.creating brand atmosphere

We know that the overall atmosphere of a store containing: window decoration, decoration of goods displayed, such as light, color, POP,resulting in a good atmosphere of the shop the crux of the elements.

4.able to promotion sales

"Good equipment and the equipment, the impact on sales of at least 100%above" this is one of many brands and businesses focused on product equipment causes one of the commodity devices can cause consumers to buy and their buying behavior.

5.increase the added value of goods

Let your product value, enable companies to achieve higher profits to strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises to occupy more market share.

6.lifestyle changes

Purpose of consumer grade, by strengthening the Visual display,enhancing the customer shopping and consumer groups for influence and promotion of aesthetic, and consumption and our way of life changed.

7.protection of business credit

Help protect corporate credit, improve the credibility and enable consumers to receive information from commodity, deepen the impression of the product, adding purchasing opportunities, resulting in potential profits. Easy to enable consumers to the brand's sense of identity and a sense of trust, from the promotion of enterprise's famous.